PCP vs. 45 Urgent Care
By: Elena Jamscek
Here at 45 Urgent Care we strive to provide the most comprehensive care that we can in our facility. We are here for every acute (meaning new) injuries, colds, viruses, sprains, cuts, pain, and infections. If your issue has been going on for longer than a few weeks the best place for you to be seen is at your PCP’s office.
Can we provide PCP services to you? The answer is yes but only if you have commercial (through your workplace) insurance that allows it. Some insurances assign you to a specific PCP and when it comes to something more than just an office visit; like referrals or lab work, the insurance company will not allow 45 Urgent Care to perform those things for you.
If your “acute” problem turns out to be something that we deem needs further investigation with lab work and/or referrals we will do our best to get those services for you.
Hope this helps and that we can help you! In case you need us, remember we are here for you Monday through Saturday 8 am to 8 pm.