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If you or a loved one has ever suffered from a stomach bug, you know how bad it can be….can we say, BEYOOOND miserable!  Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea can leave you feeling drained, dehydrated and feeling like 💩. One of the best ways to ease symptoms and allow your stomach to recover is by following the 🍌BRAT diet—a simple, gentle approach to eating that can help settle your digestive system.

What is the BRAT Diet?

While it may not seem very appealing to eat….it’s really the best for you at the moment. The BRAT diet consists of Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast—all bland, low-fiber foods that are easy on your stomach. These foods help firm up stools, reduce nausea, and provide essential nutrients without overwhelming your digestive system. Literally stomach-healing foods!

Why is the BRAT Diet Important?

When dealing with a stomach virus, your digestive tract becomes irritated and inflamed. Fatty, spicy, or heavy foods can make symptoms worse and you DEFINITELY don’t want to do that. The BRAT diet allows your gut to rest while slowly reintroducing nutrients. Hydration 💦  is also key—sip very slowly on water, electrolyte drinks, or clear broths to prevent dehydration.

Additional At-Home Tips for Recovery

✅ Avoid dairy, caffeine, and alcohol while recovering, as they can irritate your stomach.

✅ Try ginger or peppermint tea to soothe nausea.

✅ Slowly reintroduce regular foods after 24-48 hours, starting with simple, easy-to-digest meals.

✅ Get plenty of rest to help your body fight off the virus.

At 🏥 45 Urgent Care in Jackson, TN, we’re here to help. If you need medical advice or can’t make it into the clinic, we also offer telemedicine appointments 📞💻 for your convenience. Give us a call today!