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As the crisp air of fall settles in, it’s time to start thinking about how to stay healthy during the colder months. If you’re anything like my mom, you’re familiar with home remedies that have stood the test of time!

Start your day with a warm cup of wassail with honey. Packed with vitamin C from apples and oranges, this spiced drink helps boost your immune system. Honey adds natural antibacterial properties to soothe your throat. For any sniffles, nothing beats a comforting bowl of chicken noodle soup. It’s more than just comfort food; the broth can help hydrate you and the steam opens up your sinuses.

At the first sign of a sore throat, gargling with salt water and a touch of lemon helps kill germs and reduce inflammation. And if a cough keeps you up at night, try my mom’s trick: Vicks VapoRub on the bottom of your feet, covered with socks, helps calm a cough and promote better sleep.

Don’t forget zinc tablets at the first sign of a cold—they’re great for reducing the duration of symptoms.

However, if you feel like you need extra care, 45 Urgent Care is here for you. Whether through telemedicine or a walk-in visit, you can get the professional care you need quickly. Stay healthy and enjoy all the beauty fall has to offer!