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Stomach bugs, or viral gastroenteritis, can be a real nuisance. They’re typically caused by viruses like norovirus or rotavirus and can spread rapidly. Most people catch them through contaminated food or water, but there are less obvious ways you might get infected. For example, touching surfaces that an infected person has touched—like public restroom door handles or grocery store carts—can be sneaky culprits. Even shaking hands with someone who hasn’t washed their hands after using the bathroom could put you at risk.

Preventing a stomach bug is crucial. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, especially before eating or preparing food. Avoid sharing utensils or food with others, and disinfect frequently-touched surfaces regularly. Also, be careful when dining out—ensure that food is cooked thoroughly.

If you do catch a stomach bug, home treatment usually involves rest and staying hydrated. Sip clear fluids like water, broth, or oral rehydration solutions. Steer clear of dairy, caffeine, and alcohol, which can worsen symptoms. When you’re ready to eat, stick to bland foods like toast, rice, or bananas.

In some cases, symptoms can be severe, with persistent vomiting, high fever, or signs of dehydration (like dark urine or dizziness). If you’re feeling too unwell to visit our office, remember that 45 Urgent Care offers telemedicine services. You can consult with a healthcare professional from the comfort of your home, ensuring you get the care you need without having to leave the house. If your symptoms are serious, don’t hesitate to seek professional help—whether in-person or virtually. Your recovery is our priority!