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As children head back to school, they are exposed to new environments, activities, and germs, which can sometimes lead to unexpected health issues. While most of these concerns are minor, understanding the most common back-to-school urgent care needs can help parents be prepared and know when to seek medical attention.

  1. Colds and Flu: With the return to classrooms, kids are more likely to catch colds or the flu due to close contact with peers. Symptoms like fever, coughing, sore throat, and body aches are common. 45 Urgent Care can provide rapid flu tests, symptom relief, and advice on how to manage and prevent the spread of illness.
  2. Sports Injuries: As children participate in physical education classes and extracurricular sports, the risk of injuries increases. Sprains, strains, fractures, and concussions are common issues that might require urgent care. Prompt evaluation and treatment ensure a quicker recovery and prevent complications.
  3. Asthma and Allergies: The change in environment can trigger asthma attacks or allergic reactions in some children. Exposure to allergens like dust, pollen, or classroom pets may worsen symptoms. 45 Urgent Care can provide breathing treatments, prescribe medication, and offer advice on managing these conditions during the school year.
  4. Ear Infections: Ear infections often spike during the school year, especially among younger children. Symptoms include ear pain, difficulty hearing, and sometimes fever. 45 Urgent Care can diagnose ear infections quickly and prescribe antibiotics if necessary.
  5. Skin Infections: Close contact in school settings can lead to the spread of skin infections like impetigo or ringworm. 45 Urgent Care can provide treatment and advice on preventing the spread to other students.

By being aware of these common back-to-school health issues, parents can ensure their children receive the necessary care to stay healthy and succeed in the new school year.