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Summer is a time for fun and relaxation, but it can also bring unexpected colds. To help keep your family healthy, it’s important to clean some often-overlooked areas where germs love to hide. Here are a few surprising spots that might need your attention:

  1. Reusable Shopping Bags: These eco-friendly bags can harbor bacteria from raw foods and other items. Make it a habit to wash them regularly in hot water.
  2. Remote Controls, Phones, and Game Controllers: These devices are touched frequently by many hands, making them prime spots for germ accumulation. Wipe them down with disinfectant wipes weekly.
  3. Gym Bags and Equipment: Your workout gear can become a breeding ground for germs, especially in warm, sweaty environments. Clean your gym bag and equipment with disinfectant spray, and don’t forget to wash your workout clothes after each use.
  4. Kitchen Sponges and Dishcloths: These cleaning tools can hold more germs than your toilet seat! Replace sponges regularly and wash dishcloths in hot water after each use.
  5. Car Steering Wheel and Gear Shift: We often overlook our cars as a germ haven. Wipe down the steering wheel, gear shift, and door handles with disinfectant wipes to keep them clean.

At 45 Urgent Care in Jackson, TN, we see many cases of summer colds that could have been prevented with a bit of extra cleaning. By paying attention to these hidden germ hotspots, you can help keep your family healthy and enjoy the sunny season to its fullest. If you do catch a summer cold, remember that our team at 45 Urgent Care is here to help you get back on your feet quickly, either with a walk-in appointment or virtually, with our telemed service. Stay healthy and have a wonderful summer!