Are You Starting to Find Ticks on Your Pets and Even Yourself?
By: Chad Zawacki PA-C
With the increasing temperatures and as we are getting into mowing season it is starting to become prime tick season. Most individuals do not have any serious side effects from a tick bite but we all have heard of lyme disease and it is important to know the signs/symptoms of this disease and how to have the best prognosis.
Symptoms of a tick bite
The majority of individuals do not show any symptoms from a tick bite. An individual may feel something crawling on them especially legs and in their hair and when they further investigate notice the tick and remove it.
When one does have a reaction to a tick bite especially concerning for lyme disease the symptoms can include: headache, fever, fatigue and a classic skin rash resembling a bulls eye where the involved area has a red center surrounded by a clearing and then another red circle around the outside. It is important to know that the rash takes several weeks to typically develop after the bite.
Diagnosis of a tick bite
-Patient may state they pulled a tick off of themselves
-Any of the above mentioned symptoms can indicate symptoms of lyme disease as well as many other conditions but a history of seeing a tick and then the classic bulls eye rash can point a provider towards the correct diagnosis
-If lyme disease is in question it can be confirmed by labs
Is there treatment for lyme disease?
Antibiotics for a few weeks typically clear the disease process up.
It is important to make sure to inspect your body for ticks when coming in from outside especially after being in grass/weeds and to inspect your pets as they are often the cause of transmission to us.
If you believe you have been bitten by a tick and want to rule out lyme disease please feel free to stop by 45 Urgent Care for a full assessment and an appropriate treatment regimen.
Stay tuned for the next blog on how to properly remove a tick.